- Create the style of the artist
- Focus on the artist
- Follow the theme of the music videos - maintain the artists current brand identity
- Use modern style bright shapes and colours
- Could also follow a modern minimalist style
- Could make cultural references
- Bright and colourful
Poster development:
- I used procreate to draw onto the images
- The photos are from photoshoots of the artist
- They frame the artist as the centre
- The final images used present the artists sweetness as well as following the theme of the music video and the current artist persona
Final Products:
- Follow the persona of the artist - similar music
- Albums or singles - need to follow the persona of an upcoming artist
- Centre the artist as the focus
Album development:
- Used procreate to add text to the images
- the images used aim to create the persona of the artist as intimate, sweet and nostalgic.
- Each album follows the design method of having the name of the artist and the Sony Music logo being the same colour - follow a theme and a design
- Each cover has the Sony Music logo
Final Products:
- All products show the full vinyl when mouse hovers over them
How will I show the products on the website:
- Links to the shop throughout the page - through buttons and sunflowers
- Shown in a reel format
- Include links for discounts - add to audience interaction