Monday, 7 March 2022

Points of Guidance and Mark Schemes

  1. Successful candidates use appropriate techniques to link both products 
  2. Using hidden intertextual references can extend the value of the online content and can drive the audience to search for more hidden references/"easter eggs"
  3. Create a brand identity across the media products - this can be through a consistent use of logo, titles or graphics
  4. Top level submissions can include additional features t the media products such as behind the scenes footage or still images to further engage the audience 
  5. The video should use a range of shot types, have a clean editing style and pace.
  6. In the top band, pupils may convey values, attitudes and beliefs in the videos constructing representations
  7. Include as many technical elements as necessary as to demonstrate your understanding of the task and show your knowledge - don't hold back too much 
  8. Concepts not matching the genre of the song were usually unsuccessful 
  9. Navigation through the website needs to be clear and easy to follow 
  10. the website shouldn't focus too much on the music video - they should be promoting the artist - for "fan" interaction
  1. Application of knowledge and understanding of the media theoretical framework to create a media product
    1. Wide range of appropriate media language techniques 
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of media language 
    3. Developed use of codes and conventions to communicate meaning 
    4. Appropriate use of content and appeal that will create sophisticated meaning for the audience
    5. Sophisticated construction of representations that will create developed insights int the portrayal of the events, issues, individuals and social groups in the media form
    6. Demonstrate knowledge of the media industry 
    7. Excellent realization of the brief - addressing requirements and all elements of the production detail
  2. Application of knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of contemporary media to create meaning
    1. Create meaning across the cross-media production 
    2. sophisticated and coherent links between the cross-media products that shows awareness of using digital convergence to create meaning and engage the target audience
    3. sophisticated use of techniques to create branding across the cross-media products - demonstrate appropriate, sustained and insightful meaning for the intended audience.

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Final Music Video

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